
Lots of links in your posts? Would you like something that provides your readers with prompt access to all links in your posts, together with clipped content? Something like an automatic bibliography for your blog? You’ve come to the right place!

Bibliolinks is a tool which, by means of some right out nasty manipulation of DOM and a tiny little speck of magic powder in the form of Google AJAX Search API, allow readers to have access to a compilation of all links in a post. It’s alpha quality, so don’t expect to have an easily deployed widget soon. In fact, you should not expect it at all, since the level of slicing and dicing necessary for Blogger templates in order to display bibliolinks is rather high, and I don’t see that diminishing any time soon.

I’ll post an installation tutorial and some code as soon as I find some time to refine the implementation. Meanwhile, enjoy them! (Or crash your browser, whichever comes first.)
