Categoría: English
Posts written in English.
World Book Club: Madrid
Escuchad esta interesante tertulia (en inglés, pero con algunos preciosos acentos españoles) sobre el estado actual de la literatura de ficción compuesta por mujeres, femenina y feminista.
Pues ya que preguntabas…
A veces alguien hace una pregunta sin querer una respuesta sincera. Y yo no soy el típico que va repartiéndolas… normalmente.
Let’s go picking nits in… Google Reader
Did you notice the flurry of new features in Google Reader? Following (as in Twitter), liking (à la FriendFeed), people searching (Facebook-ish?), several Mark as read options grouped in a mildly confusing button+drop down menu combined control, a new Send to tool that only appears after having visited the appropriately well hidden last settings’ tab…
Tumbling across the friendly pipes
This connected day and age has brought forth the end of isolation. Publishing one’s own essays, news, rants, photos and the like is essentially free-as-in-beer; the scarcity part of the equation has shifted to attention. Scattering these tiny shards of the self all around the intertubes only compounds to the problem: what’s one to do,…
A sad partnership
Today I was truly saddened to find this ad on Wired Magazine: So saddened, in fact, that I set out to write this letter to Wired to make my disgust public: Dear sirs: As a long time reader of your online magazine, I have recently noticed you are inserting Scientology adverts in your pages. While…
Campanadas en Twitter
Dong tweet brucknerite Dong about 5 seconds ago from mobile web dong tweet brucknerite dong about 5 seconds ago from mobile web dong tweet … dong tweet dong tweet dong tweet dong tweet (Una hora después) etcétera tweet
An API is an API
Long time no see! It’s been a while since my last posting in the Shakespeare language. Perhaps my good friend OsQar will forgive me, though; this is not Middle English —just an international English. Fit and understandable for non-native speakers, laughable for oxfordians & cantabridgians alike. So there. And without more ado… An API Metaphor…
Pipes vs Spreadsheets: a showdown
It’s time to get techie again! As you may have noticed, I’ve recently added a new item to my sidebar content called Puede que esté en… (that’s Spanish for I might be at…, for my few Spanish-impaired readers). The location displayed below, a link to Google Maps, is an approximate rendering of my current whereabouts,…